Cerebral MRI
RMN Cerebral uses a large tunnel-shaped scanner to obtain high-quality images of brain structures. The test is safe, and comfortable and typically doesn’t take more than 45 minutes. You lie on a narrow table that slides into the scanner. Some MRI exams require a special dye that helps the radiologist see certain areas more clearly. This is given during the exam through a vein (IV) in your hand or forearm. If you receive this, you must drink enough fluids within 24 hours to help the contrast dye leave your body.
The MRI technique can detect changes in blood volume and neuronal activity, including localized increases in oxygenated hemoglobin. These increases are related to neural activity and occur by a process called blood oxygen level-dependent contrast imaging (BOLD). BOLD imaging is sensitive to small changes in hemodynamic response to experimental manipulations and to local variations in oxygenation that can be detected by the change in the blood’s magnetic properties.
Cerebral MRI Explained: Delving into the Intricacies of Brain Imaging
There are six lobes in the human brain; the frontal, temporal, limbic, parietal, and occipital lobes. Certain pathological conditions tend to occur in specific lobes and can be found on MRI.
During the exam, you will be asked to remain very still for seconds or minutes at a time while the radiologist prompts you via a two-way intercom. The scan is very noisy and you will need earplugs to prevent noise from irritating your ears. You may be offered medicine to make you feel sleepy and less anxious during the procedure.